
cheap beats by dre self-discipline of t

Chapter 977 makes track for star every month 【a more 】
Three bodies of flesh and blood faintnesses slowly sink into and haven't fallen to the ground from the air, the summer talks and then just quickly backs to leave at first and drew back distance with moreover three self - disciplines.
"Thou clock rain!"
Ma Fang Jie eyes Zi desire crack, thou clock rain unexpectedly in front of him" be killed by the shot like this, thoroughly death.4 people who come from the same big world all acquainted with longer than 1,000,000 years.Today"but is an eyes companion to personally die at here.Although get into a hunting field outside the boundary, understand may meet fatal danger at any time, when the danger really arrives"or make people can not accept a while.
"Bastard dies!"
Respectfully roars, the in great disorder long hair floats but rises, although ahead soon ancient clock rain still complains that he doesn't have the one who match with to let so much a palace lord class is strong to escape, but their feelings, can't because of several complaint but change what.Thou clock rain although the temper isn't good, to own companion"but is very straightforward.The self - disciplines that 4 people kill acquire finance, thou clock rain never disputes the problem of allotment too much.
The whole space, all collapse a while"a long distance inside, completely devastated.Is all of the whole"all at in a very short moment change into powder.The summer speech lays up a few absolute being machines that clock rain gets from that thou, look in the eyes in naked flicker.
"Four people still leave 3 now."The summer talks from flash across of three shadow of human figure bodies, " I now to the real strenght, even if is to meet 34 peak palace lord classes to build a thing state strong face to face, cope with should be all right.But if the core palace lord class build the self-discipline of thing state, I can not love to fight."
"Being next is you!"
The summer talks in the space to wield a resist 3 people's attack dead dead too very, although strong vibration dint, let the summer talk also a bit uncomfortable, however depend on violent body, the summer talks of the activity didn't be subjected to the slightest baffling.
"Big gravity Shu!"
Does "Hey Hey" want to walk?Greatly divide time Shu."
Xu Dong being targeted by the summer speech, hurriedly retreat"figure in a row flicker, want to get away from a summer to talk of make track for shot.However his speed, compare a summer to talk, or want slowly ascend many.Only fly a long distance, be talked a sword by the summer to shoot"defense absolute being the machine is a burst of rock, clearly dark transformation.
" Second sword!"
First sword, , defense absolute being machine formation of protect shield and then will soon defeat and dispersed.Second sword, the defense absolute being machine directly disappears in the space.Third sword, Xu Dong dies.
Three swords kill the stronger palace lord class to build a thing state self-discipline for the ability shot.Four white figures , after killing Xu Dong, unite as one"immediately and in the sky 1 transfers and arrived that flank in the slowly eastern corpse to lay up an absolute being machine.By this time"respect and thou clock rain two talented persons catch up, seeing Xu Dong is dead, 2 people absolutely form crazy.Short in a short time, four people in dead two, but damn of enemy, the state clearly connects a palace lord the classes all have no"the other party use that blamed of magical power, no matter how they attackstone, will be died to deadly resist.
Ma Fang Jie is very quickly then cold to leave down, the vision stares at a summer to talk chillily.
"He uses to greatly divide time Shu in a row" works properly strength depletion affirmative very huge, arouse a war in, he also has no enough time to reply consume of work properly dint.Take this opportunity, kill him."Ma Fang Jie spreads a sound to respectfully say to of one side.
"Good."Respectfully nods.
"Still leaving is two, next target is you!"The summer talks vision to looking at Ma Fang Jie, cold say with a smile.
"Talk big, dead!"Ma Fang Jie leads off to launch an attack" astonishing energy, imitate if the tidal wave is general"astoundingly roll to move, the in a flash break~into pieces numerous spaces.
"Is indeed as expected aller strong than other three people's real strenght up many" however finally haven't attained the core palace lord class."The summer talks a look in the eyes a turn" works properly dint to flow to turn but, the body quickly twinkles several times.
Connect down, the summer talks of body, unexpectedly facing Ma Fang Jie directly hurtled to pass by.
"Absolute being sword!"
The sword long grass in red, the Shan projects the Hai person's color, facing opposite Ma Fang Jie sweeps but goes to.2 people's sword spirit, mercilessly in the space bump shot together, with two artificial centers, directly appear the big hole in a black, the space barracks is broken through, turbulent flow in the time and space is clear it is thus clear that.Huge vacuum force"even form a whirlpool, numerous rock fragments, all the in a flash was absorbed into by this black hole" becomes a part of the turbulent flow of time and space.
But the summer talk and Ma Fang Jie, but is to absolutely still hang to sign "2 people's sword spirit" to still and just and continuously wring to kill mutually there, try shot Kui the other party.
"What absolute being machine is what he uses exactly?Unexpectedly and thus severe, his state not equal to I, pure of strength, is also have no me strong.But depend on this absolute being machine, unexpectedly ability and my neck and neck."The heart of Ma Fang Jie in thousand times shocked, dead dead of stare at those uncanny red sword spirits.
The Wei ability of rule absolute being machine, it is very greatly distinct to is also having, this usually relates to the user's oneself real strenght.The user's real strenght is more strong, so the dint of the rule controled more profound"the absolute being machine nourished" power nature more big.The summer talks of state, the only quasi- palace lord class builds a thing, but this absolute being machine, but the owner person isn't him.
With the real strenght that the summer talks"now is also nourish rule absolute being machine, but even if the Yun teaches a new rule absolute being machine, the power is far also affirmative not as main as those palaces is to core palace lord the class build a thing strong of rule absolute being machine.
Is positive as it does, that horse square hero, just more shocked.He this rule absolute being machine, have already nourished the rule absolute being of"but Wei ability" but still not hasty opponent as well the machine is longer than 1,000,000 years.Ma Fang Jie"also ambiguously can feel, the rule fragment in the rule absolute being machine of opponent, seem not complete, seemed to once be subjected to what hurt of an absolute being machine.
Damaged absolute being machine, power all such of big, if integrity of absolute being machine, power that exactly should have much strong?
Thought of this, in the heart of Ma Fang Jie, a kind of desire of mightiness flows out now and wants to appropriate to oneself this absolute being machine.
"I if can get this absolute being machine, so my real strenght, ascend a step again!"
"The boy is died!"
Urge absolute being machine and Ma Fang Jie's time in offending in the speech in summer "Ping Jing of the one side, but directly hurtled to come over from the inclined plane, the sword spirit maneuvered.Break into high in the clouds, want to cut summer speech to in a short instant kill.
The summer talks although lie in Ma Fang Jie's life and death to fight to kill, the of course not may relax the observation to another one person"see the facing of this person by himself/herself and flick sword since then at this time, figure immediately and in the sky.
"Greatly gobble up Shu!"
The everlasting endlessly works properly dint, the in a flash flows out to go into the 〖 body 〗 talking till summer, the golden light imitates if the fresh flowers generally blooms, connect Ma Fang Jie see golden light, all cannot help but very tiny half Mi eyes.
Along with golden light big prosperous, the summer speech shouts at top of voice, the sword of the red spirit,cheap beats by dre, in the golden light, as if a huge arrowy and red long dragon, raise head to tear to pieces pass by.
Ma Fang Jie's sword act, the sword spirit that is talked by the summer a while tears to pieces a huge of son.Once this crack appear, that huge black sword act, in a short instant and then the soil collapses to break up.Gold color sword only, in a very short moment the Man leads Ma Fang Jie's body, Ma Fang Jie's body, wring to kill into the minced meat in one red.
"Hum, also leave the last."The summer talked very tiny Yang of head for a while, once the body turn, Ping Jing toward to after death hurtle, would was to lead sword only past.
"This how may?"
"Is not good!"
Respectfully sees Ma Fang Jie dead, the body in the sky stops a while, eyes stare roll a circle, full in the look in the eyes is can not comprehend.
"Dead abnormal condition, again don't walk, I am also dying here."Ping Jing right away turns round, the foot works properly dint if avalanche a Shan to flow out, the in a flash then walks to number a long distance outside.
This respects and decides on the spot, after Ma Fang Jie is killed by the summer speech, choose to flee elsewhere right away"do not anily stop over and hesitate.If slowly first half cent, he isn't likely to have an opportunity to escape.
The summer speech lays up a few absolute being machines that Ma Fang Jie leaves, this just a Shan body, facing that that escapes respectfully make track for responsibility noodles to go.
"One is all unable to leave."The summer talks an idea to read to explore and responds fast- running away breathing in the front.
"Damn, this boy speed unexpectedly such of quick."
Ping Jing at this time also just the break out of is several distances of a long distances, very clear of can respond a summer to talk is making track for shot oneself"he discovers, both parties' distance" be unexpectedly quickly shortenning.Each breath time all wants to shorten several 100 insides.Shine on if this continues, can not use how long, he meeting don't the other party catch up.
"Damn of, even the self-discipline none of of Ma Fang Jie is his opponent, I if be caught up, affirm a dead end."Respectfully grinds teeth and mercilessly urge a 〖 body have been already seethed inside the 〗 of work properly dint.
"Doing not go was quickly caught up.See, can ……"
The fierce light is one Shan in Ping Jing Mu, the whole bodies were all tiny to tinily vibrate for a while.
"Make track for star every month!"In the that respects, a high roars sends out.
"Hum, lead a short moment again, then can catch up."The summer talks a dark way in heart, " H'm?What is the row?The speed of this guy, unexpectedly the in a flash promoted so many?"
"How can and so?"
"My speed may compare the core palace lord class to build a thing.Oddness"his speed, why in a twinkling promote?"The summer is talking vision, the doubt shows unintentionally but.
"Unexpectedly ……gradually drew back distance!, Is a kind of magical power Mi method?"The summer talks to guess right away, that last self-discipline, should be control a certain magical power Mi method, so as to break out one in the moment this kind of is astonishing of speed.
"Luckily ……luckily the teacher taught me this kind of extremely rare magical power and made track for star every month.If otherwise, I today at rob difficult escape.Damn, use a lord to make track for star every month, fully consumed me half of work properly dint"by this time my real strenght is only a quasi- palace lord class to build a thing.If run into a strong enemy to intercept, that dangerous."Respectfully takes to hate idea gnash teeth in hatred to say.
"This bastard killed Ma Fang Jie their 3 people, I remembered him and damned of, I must revenge."Ping Jing is some concussion of turn a mind.
Responding the anterior person has been more and more far, the summer talks to also give up to make track for shot.Hunt a field outside the boundary, the long pull makes track for to kill an enemy, this is the very dangerous action.Although the summer talks time of hunting the field outside the boundary still don't calculate long, have already understood many rules that hunt a field as well.If can not soon catch up to escape of enemy, that had better choose to give up
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