
beats by dre solo flew to divert from

Chapter 586 inhibits
The bone clansmen that first comes over, totally have seven, is all fixing of territory of Nie dish for.These bone clansmens are really fierce to stand in no fear of Yuan, know perfectly well a Ji vast sky to fix for consummate, and still just the status of purgatory ghost clan, unexpectedly dare to also hurtle to kill to come up.
Nie five of the territory fix for, probably return to be regarded as good hand in the general district, but at this time the star of Nu Yan on, because the fire blazes the existence of heat and stay private in the sky on the star of Nu Yan, differ most of is all territory of Nie dish, satisfied, the superior of the territory of absolute being Be also many to see.Therefore, private in the sky in the territory of this time Nie dish really doesn't calculate what.
On going private in the sky of the territory of seven Nie dishes of bone clans, round to kill to come over, almost didn't take care of that"bite a star burning" and"the saint blazes day sky" to all put the target of attack at the body of Ji vast sky up.Obviously, they all wanted to give° the Ji vast sky first to cut to kill.
These people not was brave don't strive for, they after knowing that the Ji vast sky state is profound, don't also choose near body belligerence, after all, this is the place of the most pre-eminent purgatory ghost clan, the bone clansmen realizes a purgatory ghost clan of strong, naturally understand in this extensive star sky, the purgatory ghost clan is the most terrible near war race.
The territory of seven Nie dishes fixs for of bone clansmen, stay in the before the body stopping of the Ji vast sky, have no too many hesitant, they unexpectedly draw out a bone that is cut Ying white to come out from own body, that malicious bone doesn't know as well to is their part of the body, is still that their life mutually fix of absolute being soldier, each gleam fluorescence, and seem to be very and sharp.
The bone of one malicious Ying white, drew out from the their body come after, these seven clansmens of bone clans, crossed legs to sit down together in the unreal, one mouthful Ying white of the air mass vomit from their and infuse to note in hand of bone on."The dry bones spreads the jade bone that the person creates out needle!"A clansmen of three eye clans that understands a line, unbearable lightly shout 1.
He after 1 call to drink to spread come, those bone clansmens suddenly had an activity, sees the bone needle that one malicious bones is suddenly ground to break to open, changed into one malicious very small pole for an instant, the bone needle is very small, almost the naked eye is difficult to see, change into white a way light, the Shu ground shotted into Ji vast sky.
Nie five of the territory fix for of bone clansmen, obviously know a general attack to fear to the Ji vast sky to is invalid, this jade bone needle rare skill is what dry bones spreads a person to create out, takes oneself's a bone of self-discipline in the body as groundwork, the Rou matched a bone clan of strange of bone dint, add mentality and Jing dollar to tee off, not only fast like electricity, it is also extremely terrible to wear deeply dint.
Being a more small thing is more hard to deal with, seven clansmens of bone clans seven bones after changing into bone needle having is afraid several thousand, closely shotted into Ji vast sky.
Change is the Ji vast sky of the purgatory ghost clan outward appearance, is making every effort to inhibit body from after the Shuo"burning thunder cold Yan" change body, the meat body strength is significant to promote, those come from two kinds of source fires for"burning thunder cold Yan" of the attractions remain existence, however, these two kinds of source fires exert the pressure on Ji vast sky,weakened a lot a while.He just may may be able to square off with two kinds of source fires.
However, after the bone clan covers with bone needle to inherit to come, but he has no time to resist, can come to hard anti- with the strong defense dint lending a meat body.
Is a burst of intensive"Mao Pa" the voice explode to open on the his body, those needle that are blunt to shoot at the bone on his body, explode in succession ground, the great majority didn't can wear deeply his body.
But have some bone needle, but delicate pole of get into from the scales and shell blind side of his body surface, profoundly sting the flesh after his scales and shell up.
The ache isn't big, can bone needle in but have a bone clan clansmen special bone dint, this is a kind of strength of oddity, the clansmen of bone clan to withdraw a fierce monster and strong skeleton in of bone dint, and own mentality, Jing dollar after Rou match form of strength, very special, also have some special extraordinary effects.The bone dint has the dint of soft bone-quantity!
One malicious bone needle is profoundly firm on his flesh, an in fine threads weak of the bone dint permeate to come in, Ji vast sky feels whole body bone hemp hemp of, unspeakable and at ease, imitate the Buddha is insolating sun bath, let lazy ocean ocean of people of is very comfortable and happy, let him absolutely want drowsy.
Obviously, the time in such a key, he if go under the deep slumber, will definitely be hard to inhibit "burning thunder cold Yan" also hard resist those two kinds of attacks of source fires.
The bone dint comes from bone needle, very weak, faintly arrive him in the beginning all the Yi must take a reason, didn't be to those bone dint carry on effectively resisting, be he realized the weird place of bone dint of time, seemed to be already too late, because the absolute being knows of be slacken, that"burning thunder cold Yan" that embeds in the body finally escapes from his to control."Burning thunder cold Yan" unexpectedly flew to divert from the his body come!
"It's burning to bite a star" and"the saint blazes day sky" that early waits for comes out at the sight of"burning thunder cold Yan", just for an instant, flowed out to go into "burning thunder cold Yan" to want with most quickly and soon the Ji give°"burning thunder cold Yan" to gobble up.
Almost emit a moment of head in "burning thunder cold Yan", three kinds of source fires remit to gather at together, three kinds of sources cremate into three breathing and fiercely entwine together, each other of the breathing fight mutually and make of get into a hot dispute.A kind of marvellous felling reflects into a heart.
So in a short while effort, the Ji vast sky suddenly feels the contact of himself/herself and"burning thunder cold Yan" be abruptly broken off, in the breathing of"burning thunder cold Yan", that soul that belongs to him prints to record slowly decelerate, a little ground disappearance disappears, very soon, the Ji vast sky unexpectedly has already not realized to come out "burning thunder cold Yan" and own delicate contact.Isn't good!
In the Ji vast sky heart one Lin, he after realizing far from good thoughts of not first is take back "burning thunder cold Yan" but how will those-the bone clansmen solve.
The heart reads a to move, the mind soul bell comes out in the center of palm and fluttered for a while, and the bones dry skeleton suddenly flew to divert from it and hurtled into the bone clan clansmen of the territory of seven Nie dishes a while.
The bones dry skeleton is the territory of the mentally dense strong whole body bone of nine nights, although be placed in this kind of status, still keep having killing of terror to harm dint, the bones dry skeleton doesn't have one silk mankind's kindness it read, in the past after greatly open rule against killing right away, three clansmens of bone clans, the dint didn't resist, be in a twinkling cut first to kill.
Moreover four clansmens of bone clans , on seeing situation far from good, stooded together and quickly withdrew toward the rear, prepare to wait more bone clan clansmens to come over again make moves to the Ji vast sky.The bones dry skeleton tightly makes track for not to give up.
The Ji vast sky stands where and shuts eyes to urge the dint of the blood in the body, the blood inside the body seethes"that blood that contains in the body the crystal dint be stired up, for bone the numb and weak bone dint be in a short instant cleared, he resumed state of mind right away of pure clear, the status of Qiao ocean ocean a sweep but get empty.
The state of mind resumes absolutely pure clearly after, Ji vast sky spirit an earthquake, this just discovers he and the contact of"burning thunder cold Yan" still just, just already very Jiao\}"weak arrive he need go to earnest feeling, so as to realize the existence of contact.
Time is urgent, not know that when the big troops of bone clan will come over, he also not know this"burning thunder cold Yan" to can prop up how long, the time in this key, he pondered one Sha, right away again have no sky the evil body in the bead to release, soon after the Shu ground crosses legs to sit down in the unreal.
With lend that Chui the contact of the weak pole, he tries to urge to mix a dollar profound meaning, open own mentality proliferation, all flowed out to go into "burning thunder cold Yan", he early knew intelligence of his own mentality to"burning thunder cold Yan" greatly helpful, he is inputing the mentality into"burning thunder cold Yan" and urging the strength in the body and form one circle of five lines of light act, cover three kinds of source fires are together.
Same time, he heart Die.The thou well has no wave and unexpectedly and in a twinkling fell to go into great void Mi to record of have me of Liao.
All whole varieties imitate the Buddha scene sort income soul within clear mirror ocean, at have me of in the territory, he can clearly feel the crossing swords of of three kinds of source fires, can see fighting of three kinds of source fireses situation.
"Burning thunder cold Yan" indeed as expected weak some, if not that"bite a star burning" and that"the saint blazes day sky" lead long to make mutually, perhaps"burning thunder cold Yan" soon matches drive an among those to assimilate, that"bite a star burning" of half meteor burning the dint tied up the dint of the general hot sun of rounding"burning thunder cold Yan""the saint blazes day sky" to also tie up to round "burning thunder cold Yan".
These two kinds of source fires constantly flow out to go into toward"burning thunder cold Yan", but because of each other strength of the same clan together source, also overcome mutually while drawing on mutually, they three kinds of strength congestion, this kind of speed that fusion wants to slow down naturally too many, is also as it does, in spite of is "bite a star burning" or that"the saint blazes day sky" and can not absorb "burning thunder cold Yan" to short time assimilation.
This compare to 3 people fight, each all take the other party as an enemy, so wild blow a spirit, two stronger oneselfs also keep fighting, so weakly have never been right away beaten remnants to fall on the ground, between two strongs, small and weak square can also find out the space that exists at 1:00."Burning thunder cold Yan" is that weaker party, because those two kinds of source fires fight by himself/herself"it cans linger on, isn't absorbed by all of the short time Ci.
However, after the mentality of Ji vast sky flows out to go into "burning thunder cold Yan" crazily, originally weakest"burning thunder cold Yan" unexpectedly and slowly occupied a little active, it that soon disappear of life branding unexpectedly a little Be clear to get up, it made every effort to struggle and incredibly give°ed those two kinds of essences of source fires to absorb a bit of.
In the Ji vast sky heart a pleased, he realizes this method it's effective, quickly spare no effort ground to flow out own mentality into "burning thunder cold Yan" to hope"burning thunder cold Yan" can fight to excel and give°ed these two kinds of source fires to absorb,beats by dre solo.
"Purgatory ghost clan!"On going more than ten clansmens of bone clans, suddenly came out from the distance come"is a head is one person, unexpectedly had the fixing of territory of absolute being for, also had tenth, at him the clansmen of the bone clan have among them after death six have a satisfied territory of fix for.This is the bone clan in the strongest strength of the star of Nu Yan!
Ji vast sky evil body the eyes infect by tainted air cold ray of light of bad Yin in the unreal one Shan, a cruel fierce fierce evil spirit, suddenly gush from the his body, all over the place, unexpectedly all covered up for the skies, a whirlpool with huge matchless unreal in the Shan Xi come out without basis.
Each whirlpool in, all have surging evil spirit from the sky but decline, imitate a Buddha endless endless never let up generally.
The bitterness fixs for several years in the dollar bead in sky of evil rest, finally make a show of in the time of key an of an arrogant side, the his body is like a huge matchless magnetic field, seeming can absorb expanse of stars in have no place not at of evil spirit, a take it not and to the utmost use it not Jie of power.
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