
beats by dre pro discover to below i

Chapter 541 freshman
Put out a life time!It really did so!
At boundless fan fog in, it that hides the place led by therein huge body, a stars is crushed, the Ji vast sky is hard to see arrive more the distance taking place what, however, the district seen by view, all starses change into to cover with Ji powder and eliminate Min to grow river in the history in
Greatly change come of very and quickly, quick of he has no time to think more!
Over there under the activity of terrible living creature, the stars is ruined to go one by one, the thing of this whole existence in the endless endless star area was all thoroughly put on to go to trace.Could not see an any stars any further very soon, in his view.
That terrible living creature twists body, in the middle of being fond of fog faintly discernable, the stars changes into Ji powder and suspends to know through how many times under and not, that living creature body seems to start disintegrating and splits into numerous pieces, and a certain and unspeakable strength dies to stir up in the star area of Ji in the one.
Visit to leave in the stars fragment in the star area, at this kind of strength under, start reorganizing, a -is new of the stars re- coagulate but become.
Because the stars coagulates, a species with new is born, these life all sorts of strange things, there is various person of each kind, there is bird, there is the life in time immemorial ……
Have no place not at of fan fog the strength in those starses under, gradually become is thinner than, stars on start having mountain and stream lake, start appearing various world strength ……
Didn't once know how long again, everything recovered.
Numerous starses are gleaming, the new-born thing was born, the world creation re-appearsed world, this seem is a Ji vast sky to acquaint with of world.The scene constantly accelerates.
Those lately- been born species, at a stars on, started taking place to fight, have of living creature the born body is strong, have of the living creature blood is weird, the living creature also having has various natural endowments magical powers and more had some living creatures to know world profound meaning, constantly evolve by one's own ……
The new species is more and more strong in the evolution, some specieses that can not adapt to are destroyed completely, world rule the true meaning be thoroughly deduced.In this process, time continues rapid passage.
Don't once know how long, there are some extremely strong specieses,beats by dre pro, evolved the situation of hard imagination, every act and move, these specieses unexpectedly also owned the strength that demolish the stars.On the strongest of these people, none exception, all have that breathing on the terrible living creature body!Go to this, time imitated a Buddha to be held up, in the boundless star area, didn't change occurrence any further.
The Ji vast sky that experiences this all these, from start to arrive eventually various variety income heart bottoms, for in the whole world a certain and profound meaning seem hole Che already, definitely seem at the unconscious method in"sky the Yan thou is definitely" his brain in profound meaning part.Even now, he suddenly responded the breathing of dollar bead in the sky.The scene changes again!
Those starses,such as mirror in water, are generally like, one by one disappearance, the whirlpool on the sky forces in the Xuan to move, fan's fog not at, the earth soil an emits the marsh of "bubble" to present ……
The scene of acquainting with comes into view one by one.
Suddenly, he understood to come over, his body is placed in dollar bead in a sky inside!
A black whirlpool moves in the Xuan inside the dollar bead in sky, the pulling and dragging of dint of in the sky a whirlpool under, that various strength in the black whirlpool are pulled out, spread Yi's in the sky each whirlpool inside.
Finally, over there the district of black whirlpool, many one regiments seven colourful lights are dizzy.
That regiment simply projecting soft seven colourful ray of lightses just one Shan, those seven colourful lights are dizzy to fall into Ji of the brain of vast sky in, print to blend with his soul in the soul ocean.
The great void Mi records of"melt" word Jue to urge to send out on one's own initiative, he fell to go into without me right away of in the territory, in this state, he starts evolving to before take place inside the soul ocean of various varieties, at vacant don't feel, he the soul in the soul ocean printed manies seven colourful light dizzy.
Sky has no world inside bead in of a cyclone, releasing one in fine threads naked eye is difficult to see of amount of cabin, infuse into his body inside, at have no me of territory under of Ji vast sky, the body resumed original shape and passively accepted everything.Time is in a hurry.
Don't once know how long, he slowly opened eyes, eye Tong deep place the Shan is seven rainbow lights, that is the color that the soul prints in the soul ocean.Suspend in this world quietly, he had some to be fond of Mang in the beginning, was silently considering what.
Various true meaning with profound meaning worlds, in the brain constantly the Shan appear, absentminded"he imitated a Buddha to understand a lot and understood various strength true meanings of world existence, the soul ocean can read to become limitless and boundless along with the heart, the absolute being knows a variety, he meat body each cell can feel.
Don't know when rise, acupuncture points Chong in his body Ying Jing dollar, know to hesitate an one among the acupuncture pointses by absolute being, he quickly discovers in that acupuncture points inside, unexpectedly also have cyclone existence that the size doesn't wait.
Those cyclones turn and make the Jing dollar in the acupuncture points more and more pure and imitate a Buddha each acupuncture points became a self-sufficient world, in that world, the cyclone can provide seamlessly of energy, those energies can change into Jing to have no to is used by him!The heart reads a to move, he again changes body, changed into the shape of purgatory ghost clan.
Whole body the dark point stab ferocious, whale AN of the whole body oddity, each time one scales and shell on, all have strange wood grain, invite to invite unclearly, and that terrible living creature present of the scales and shell of iceberg dime body look exactly alike, even those uncanny wood grain veinses all complete 11 to.In the blood, the breathing of that oddity adds more strong, that breathing, impressively and the breathing pole on that terrible living creature body true facts!
He knows that the variety happen in his own body, he knows that this kind of changes affirmation is extremely beneficial to him, however, he still not too understand exactly is what happened!
Just start to be suffused with to want the mind for leaving in the heart, descend a moment, he then appears at water current in, dollar bead in the sky suspends before body quietly.
With once the hand grasp, that dollar bead disappears in his center of palm, afresh at his lower abdomen on set up household, dollar bead in the sky connects his flesh and blood Jin vein, a kind of felling for merging into an integral whole arises spontaneously.
This a moment, he realizes for a sky, the dollar bead became a part of his body indivisibility.
This is a kind of new felling, imitate a Buddha the dollar bead became his heart and became his organ for sky, any further have no previous that unwell feeling.He understands right away, the down to date sky of dollar bead is just real to blend with him!Although the previous sky of dollar bead exists his body in, have been having no this wonderful felling, there is no the marvellous felling that both became integral whole.
The sky has no bead heavy return body, but evil body still just the dollar bead in sky in, each each time engrave, he feels that the evil body is infused into marvellous strength in the dollar bead in sky, seem to be just to constantly take place delicate variety.
Is heavily interrogative in mind curl up not to spread, he has no answer, soon after a name suddenly reflects into at heart 11 thou Di!The that time waits to seek ancient Di to ask clear.
The absolute being knows a to move, as if a flash of lightning, in a twinkling crossed over Lian water bar, directly obviously come out in the center of earth world.
In the center of earth world give out light air mass under, he concentrates under hope, the detection blazes an evil magma pond of life, and that ice clan live of very cold ground of seem to be all not to reply to exist, both imitate Buddha fusion at together, he the view extension go out and discover to below is a boundless water, limitless and boundless.
Does the view extend ten thousand insides?
The Ji vast sky is one Leng, suddenly realized the strange variety of oneself.
The time that gets into life whirlpool, he the view extension open, can see ten scenes in the insides, he stands in the sky at present, but can ten thousand prospects in the insides all income eye bottom!He sign a horse to know himself/herself and compared before, already consumedly dissimilarity.
The absolute being knows to release, all whole oceans that undulate 11 at his soul in respond, the absolute being knows constantly extension and investigates toward the very far place.There is no a silk life motion!
Originally should live burning evil with the district of ice clan, there is no a this present life life existence, imitate Buddha ice clan and have already blazed all all evil death rays.
Surprised pole in heart, just slightly a hesitant, he then lives toward that blood clan of the ground fly to, be he urges the strength inside the body speeds of time, discover that the cyclone in the acupuncture points inside the body quick Xuan moved.
He with compare before quick 100000% speedses, in a very short moment arrived at the ground of blood clan gathering and arrived at the strive for existence thou fortress of district.The one bombs Xu.
The thou fortress didn't reply to exist, the center of earth world is battered, seemed to experience extremely terrible combat, going into all of days are the ancient trees for tumbling down and split of strange plant, the world here various strength all become matchless Be getting thinner and diluted.
There is no anyone!It is those one clans to in spite of is a blood clan or three eye clans, all a don't remain"do not know to is to all leave here, is still all death rays.
What happened?
The Ji vast sky is with full intention interrogative, but doesn't know to seek who the inquiry , in a so big center of earth world, seem at present left his one to live a person, the place led for knowing absolute being, the life motion disappears completely!
He searched the whole center of earth world, but the war don't arrive a person, ice clan and blaze an evil person of one clan to seem to be also to all disappear together.
World strength in the center of earth world is no longer heavy, seemed to be also to no longer suit self-discipline here, was him to discover in the center of earth world after being not likely to find out answer forever, finally decide to leave.
Very soon, he found out down the all-powerful mountain cave in time, that mountain cave already the net split and seem be thoroughly sealed, however, seal although the rock of mountain cave is decorous, already difficult don't pour him.
Change is a purgatory ghost clan after, he that ten nails that is sharp at brandish, the rocks that live mountain cave such as bean curd piece general, be quickly incised after fall to words under.
Make use of this method, didn't know to cost how many times as well, he finally released after imprisonment and settled on the station at this stars.
Wear to cover with stars, he suddenly has grow heavy get a freshman of felling, knew by absolute being to again search this world, he remain on having no acquisition, search life motion of serving as not.Is helpless under, he decided to leave.
The stars that finally saw one eye this strange, various scenes of center of earth world are quick to brush past 1 time in the brain, he ambiguously Lu's testing to find out he should be foolish in the dollar bead in sky for many years, otherwise, the external world can't have the whole world upside down variety.Southern star in the sky!
He thought of some kind of words that the small Han says, southern star in the sky of place in the store in the neighborhood, company ice Jie probably just and where, perhaps small Han will also where, if can see small Han again, the friend allows him to know some answers, know that the blood clan Augustus' household is gone to where, searching can give him the ancient Di for untying riddle regiment.For a while, decision's his basis wears the parlance of small Han and goes toward the direction of the south of sky star.
:The point of departure home page contains a gold keyboard prize, although knowing oneself was affirmative don't ascend a placard, still hoped that everyone can support 12, H'm, just don't want to seem to be too difficult to see, after all, it has been a year since we hard wroted as well, the attitude is still very regular.!
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