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Where to move to .relationresultFang Yunrui nowalso feel uncomfortable ,but lets the human feel wonderful is the purple light should continue towards eternal body coalesce ,although did not let the soul body rapid recovery ,but Fang Yunrui has a feeling of soul is more and more powerful, the strong force is not strong ,but a on the boundary of strong ,and the original phagocytic day ghost is completely different .
relationresultAnd as thesoul of the purple light in the perception of things to his mind when, he knew ,this is Yan purple mumbo jumbo heart left behind by the sentiment, as he becomes aware of the eternal .
relationresultWhen thesefeelings confluence confluence of all ,replicalouisvuitton,his earliest heritage that a sentiment ,a coherent set of sentiment in his mind ,coupled with the myriads of changes of the heart ,Fang Yunrui is clear ,this is actually the fighter into the divine inspiration .
relationresultIfabsorbed these sentiment is ray strong words ,he can rely on the perception of complete integration into the Godhead ,become a real purple scorching mumbo jumbo .relationresultWhen thetime will never to have one can restrict him .
relationresultButthis is a cheap Fang Yunrui ,and warrior ,he wanted to practice to the point where the myriads of changes ,must be eternal and his body completely fusion .relationresultOf course,and ray lie directly become purple scorching mumbo jumbo ,Fang Yunrui absorbed only purple scorching mumbo jumbo sentiment, while violet scorching mumbo jumbo residual consciousness are all erased, and broken virtual tactic and general fighter heart law are also somewhat different ,he just got a feeling ,not to direct fusion ,http://www.viacyte.com/replicalouisvuitton Y4j%p,but even so ,also provided him with great benefits .
relationresultWith suchunderstanding ,within today ,absolutely can fuse the soul .relationresultOnce again,no soul into his knowledge of the sea ,and he also tried to ray strong headache before them ,look at look dilapidated ,replica louis vuitton,was hit with two princes ,thought he had done everything ,Fang Yunrui heart ineffable disgust .
relationresultForest Yuechen is you send someone to kill . light asked .relationresultRayburning slowly raised his head ,see be close by. Fang Yunrui ,http://www.viacyte.com/replicalouisvuitton G3b%0,his eyes full of cruel, full of hate, resentment ,but also full of madness, but anyway ,he can understand ,now he is definitely not Fang Yunrui ,the other need only move finger can kill their own .
relationresultHeis not easy to find the eight pieces ,they managed to have such great strength, but on the other side of the body, he was not to discuss any cheaper ,why ,why ?relationresultRaystrong unwilling,http://www.viacyte.com/replicalouisvuitton, but he also knew that he did not have a way out, no answer to Fang Yunrui, so slowly close my eyes .
relationresultSee raystrong expressions ,Fang Yun Rui shook his head ,hands the day broken knife a knife over his head ,lightning stabs .relationresultNeverignore lightning burning things ,turned to initially fight place ,originally thought that a meteorite to make a lot of the Yan Purple Star knife ,but when Fang Yun Rui came to that place when, but found a meteorite press was a small pit where it is inserted ,a thumb size flying .
relationresultAglowing purple flying ,this ... ... It is Yan Purple Star sword .relationresultSeems to be induced today broken knife ,when Fang Yunrui will be broken when the knife is placed in front of the knife ,* * * * out directly ,not into the broken sword ,as Yan Purple Star knife fusion ,day break knife immediately issued a burst of light ,faint ,a blue dragon shadow from the inside.
Bolted out ,then a red rose ,followed by a white tiger ,the last is a massive basaltic ghost .relationresultThe four mythical beastsshadow has appeared in the sky ,the sky is -- lose one ,the wind howled ,and around Flaming Mountains energy should also continue to days broken knife out ,when the last fire was day broken knife absorption time, the sky a bulky Baizhang huge thunder light rushing down ,this terrible blow scared Fang Yunrui changed colour .
relationresultRegardless ofthe day is inserted in the ground breaking cutter ,the body of a Dodge ,have appeared thousands of feet ,and that a thunder light so heavy bombardment in the days of broken sword, only the aftermath will everything went to pieces, but that broken knife in the thunder light it appears that bright like .
relationresultEvenwith this tract thunder light bombardment, the four sacred animal shadow more clear .relationresultThere isa ray of light ,there are second road ,Third Road ,fourth road .
.. ... , relationresultWhen the seven sevenforty-nine Lei went down ,top four animal that has become completely four real and mythical beasts, the more powerful than Denon majesty radiated ,encompassing thousands of kilometers in all living things are such coercion was on all fours ,dare not touch anything ,even the sky was still the flying bird is this coercion startled towards fall to .
relationresultJusta moment ,the radius of a few million miles in the sky, never a bird .relationresultButdark clouds in the sky are still together ,more thunder continuously in the clouds in the shuttle, when the last lightning is condensed into time ,Fang Yunrui had already surprised Gebulongzui ,the .
.. ... It was a thousand feet for thickness of the thunder light ,when the word thunder light fall ,will have already destroyed almost the entire over Flaming Mountains .relationresultRumble .
.. ... A loud sound shaking heaven and earth ,the Tao Lei heavy went down ,four sacred animal body moment is submerged ,and the Flaming Mountains is such a thunder light detonation smash, even the slightest dust are not sway .
relationresultOnlya strong purple light in the surrounding spread, who is here represented by all for powder .relationresultWhenthe thunder light gradually gone away ,the scene has a number of the thousands of feet size large pit pit ,and central ,is a flashing colorful light knife .
relationresultDaysof broken sword , relationresultAt the moment of theday breaking knife is not had that look spell chips into the air ,but a width of three inches ,http://www.viacyte.com/replicalouisvuitton R0g%1,a five foot giant knife ,and about the size of a purgatory .
relationresultButthere is nothing magic lines ,but only four mythical beasts brand,http://www.viacyte.com/replicalouisvuitton K1o%0, and the handle ,is more like a dragon ,spit that exudes a silver blade .relationresultSingle handgrip ,the day breaking knife came directly to their own hands ,a sharp to pole knife gas damaged empty out .
relationresultLook atthe beautiful to pole sabre, Fang Yunrui .relationresultWithout saying anything,casual knife forward stroke, a sharp knife gas damaged empty out directly on the ground ,cut out of a depth gauge marks .

